brown wooden scrabble tiles

Mercies are new every morning: Do you know what it is and why it is important?

The phrase “mercies are new every morning” encapsulates a profound truth rooted in the scriptures, highlighting the boundless compassion and grace of God. This biblical principle emphasizes the continuous renewal of divine mercy, symbolized by the dawn of each new day. In understanding and embracing this concept, we unlock a powerful source of hope, guidance,…

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Image of Jesus imprinted on our hearts and expressed through our lives

Created In the Image of God. What’s The Impact?

In the grand tapestry of creation, humanity stands as a unique masterpiece, intricately woven in the divine image of God. This profound truth carries profound implications for our understanding of self and purpose. Exploring sacred scriptures unveils timeless wisdom, revealing the Creator’s fingerprints on every aspect of our existence. The origin Genesis 1:26-27 declares, “Then…

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