Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 14

What a great time with my wife the past couple of days as we attended a marriage conference together. Putting God first and allowing Jesus to be the center of our relationship and then making sure to spend time together and invest in our relationship, just works to make us better Christians, better spouses, and…

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Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 12

When you aren’t sure what to do, put your eyes on Jesus. When you are shocked by something, turn your eyes to Jesus. When you are surprised by something, turn your eyes to Jesus. When you don’t know what to do, turn your eyes to Jesus! Scripture for Today’s Devotional: ‘Therefore see that you walk…

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Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 11

Let’s be patient in waiting for Jesus’ return! Let’s persevere in spite of our circumstances! Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus! Scripture from Today’s Devotional: ‘For which one of you, when he wants to build a watchtower [for his guards], does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough…

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Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 6

Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus so that He can help us to take our thoughts captive! It may require us to do our homework and even do some research! Scripture from Today’s Devotional: ‘The mind of the prudent [always] acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise [always] seeks knowledge. ‘ Proverbs 18:15 God’s…

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Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 5

Let’s make the most of our today. Let’s finish strong. Let’s make sure we are putting our time and energy into the right things. Let’s take a look to see what we can learn through today’s devotional. Scriptures from Today’s Devotional: ‘Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the…

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Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 2

The peace that surpasses all understanding, funny how just before this series I found a 3 day devotional on peace right? Be anxious for nothing but through prayer and supplication make your request known to God! Prayer changes everything and worrying changes nothing! So let’s pray without ceasing by keeping our eyes on Jesus. Let’s…

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Eyes On Jesus - 14-day discernment devotional By Tim Ferrara from Discerning Dad

Eyes on Jesus – Day 1

After an incredible weekend of inspiration, information, and refreshing, closing out the devotional on peace, I started to seek a new devotional for dads and found “Eyes on Jesus” which is a 14-day discernment devotional. What was interesting to me was that as I dug to see what it was about I discovered that it…

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