Do you hear that? Podcasting? Listen to the podcast!

PODCAST Now Available:

Episode 5:

Episode 4:

Episode 3:

Episode 2:

With looking to keep up with one Episode a month, I got Episode 2 out today talking about Burnout. Check it out and see what you think, all feedback and comments are welcomed:

Episode 1:

Well, all year I was planning it, thinking about it, considering topics, and in October I committed to launch the podcast. I let the Bible Study table I am getting to lead know so that they could hold me accountable to get the podcast live in October. So at 10pm PST on October 31st, it went live. Currently it is only showing up on Spotify, so here is Episode 1:—Priorities-and-Putting-First-Things-First-e2bb3mo

Where it got started…

Yesterday I was sitting in the tech suite doing media and making sure the words and the videos played and then had a few conversations that pointed me toward 2023 and what it is I am to do to extend Be The Dads. The idea that came up was to take 2022’s blog posting of dad devotionals and start podcasting. Nearly halfway to Christmas this month of December and a bit less than a third of the way to the end of the month which will close out the year and so I have to figure out how to do this. The excitement begins. Do I choose to read it or do I choose to let technology do the recording for me with someone else’s voice? I still have time and I know the technology exists so let’s pray and see what God wants me to do. [December 12, 2022 4:52 am]