The Heart of the Father. Let’s live it to the full!

To Be The Dads, we need the Father’s heart to help us live up to this calling. Have you ever considered what that means or looks like? Have you looked in God’s Word for wisdom and direction to help you live up to the calling of being the dads He has created, planned, and purposes for you to be? Let’s consider what the Bible says and then consider a plan or training that could help us get there.

What the Bible has to say:

1. God’s Love and Compassion

Psalm 103:13-14:

  • “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.”
  • Key Takeaway: God’s love for us is marked by compassion and understanding of our weaknesses. He loves us unconditionally, even knowing our frailty.
  • Application: As fathers, we are called to love our children unconditionally and with compassion, understanding their struggles and guiding them with patience. This means forgiving their mistakes and helping them grow in grace and truth, just as God does with us.

2. God’s Discipline and Instruction

Proverbs 3:11-12:

  • “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.”
  • Key Takeaway: Discipline is an expression of God’s love. He corrects us to guide us on the right path because He delights in us.
  • Application: As dads, we should discipline our children out of love, not frustration. Our correction should aim to build them up and help them grow in character. By setting boundaries and giving wise instruction, we reflect God’s heart of love and concern for their future.

3. God’s Provision

Matthew 7:9-11:

  • “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
  • Key Takeaway: God is a faithful provider who delights in giving good things to His children. He knows what we need before we even ask.
  • Application: As fathers, we must strive to provide for our children not only materially but also spiritually and emotionally. We should be present, attentive, and generous with our time, ensuring that their needs are met as we trust God to supply all that we need.

4. God’s Patience

2 Peter 3:9:

  • “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
  • Key Takeaway: God’s patience is rooted in His desire for us to turn to Him and grow in faith. He gives us time to repent and learn from our mistakes.
  • Application: As dads, we need to be patient with our children as they learn and grow. This involves not reacting harshly in moments of frustration but giving them time and opportunities to correct their behavior. Modeling patience teaches our children about God’s character.

5. God’s Faithfulness

Lamentations 3:22-23:

  • “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
  • Key Takeaway: God’s faithfulness means that He is consistent and dependable, never giving up on us, even when we falter.
  • Application: As fathers, we should strive to be faithful and consistent in our actions, words, and promises. Our children should know they can rely on us and that we are dependable, just as God is for us.

6. God’s Protection

Psalm 32:7:

  • “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”
  • Key Takeaway: God is our protector and our shield. He keeps us safe from harm and delivers us in times of trouble.
  • Application: As dads, we should strive to protect our children, not only physically but also spiritually and emotionally. We must create an environment where they feel safe, supported, and encouraged to thrive. This involves prayer, wise counsel, and standing in the gap for them.

7. God’s Forgiveness

Luke 15:20:

  • “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”
  • Key Takeaway: The parable of the prodigal son shows God’s heart of forgiveness and His readiness to restore us when we return to Him.
  • Application: As fathers, we should practice forgiveness toward our children when they make mistakes. Instead of holding grudges or being harsh, we must extend grace and be quick to restore our relationship with them, modeling God’s forgiveness.

Practical Steps to Put Scripture into Action: (Heart of the Father)

  1. Daily Prayer: Ask God to give you a heart like His, filled with compassion, patience, and wisdom in raising your children.
  2. Model Love: Show love to your children through words of affirmation, physical affection, and time spent with them, just as God loves us.
  3. Be Present: Be intentional about being available for your children, listening to their needs, and guiding them through life with wisdom and care.
  4. Discipline with Love: When correcting your children, do so in a way that builds them up and teaches them the right path, never out of anger or frustration.
  5. Trust God’s Provision: Lead by example in trusting God to provide for your family’s needs, and teach your children about God’s faithfulness and generosity.

By aligning our hearts with the heart of God, we can reflect His character to our children and live up to the calling He has placed on our lives as fathers.

Want to give it a try? They say 28 days builds a habit, how about a 30-day learning plan? Are you willing to give it a try?

Today’s Devotional:

This year, I am utilizing the 365 Daily Devotions book I received for Christmas, applying its teachings specifically in the context of fatherhood. It’s called WALKING WITH GOD by DAVID JEREMIAH. It’s exciting to learn from a new resource this year as we have tried different options the past two years and will keep working through this for 2024. For more information about the author and his ministry, visit


VERSE: ‘They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty— and I will meditate on your wonderful works.’Psalms 145:5

Let’s be the dads who remember and share all that God has done in and through our lives so that He will receive praise, honor, and glory. Today, let’s make time to meditate on all He has done and His wonderful works in our lives. Let’s share this with our wives, kids, and the world so they can praise and glorify God.

Today’s devotional kicks off with the story of Moses and the crossing of the Red Sea. Can you imagine a Red Sea moment in your life? Would you respond with the excitement they did, “escaping Pharoah’s hand.” Would you join them in singing “He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the Sea!” (Exodus 15:1) What would it take for you to realize what God’s given you and choose to praise Him? How about the incredible wife He’s given you? What about the incredible kids He’s given you? Remember how God describes them?

Heart of Generosity

In the Bible, wives are often described as precious and invaluable companions to their husbands. Proverbs 31:10-12, for example, praises the virtuous wife who is far more precious than jewels and brings good, not harm, all the days of her life. The bond is seen as one of mutual respect, love, and partnership.

For children, Psalm 127:3 describes them as a heritage from the Lord, a reward. This verse emphasizes that children are blessings from God, entrusted to parents to nurture, love, and guide. The imagery speaks to the profound joy and responsibility of raising children with love and faith.

We need to be the dads who worship God for His mighty acts. Today’s devotional shares how “throughout the Old Testament, we see God’s people worshipping Him for His mighty acts.” Consider what Psalms 145 shares from the heart of King David, “I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, And on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts,
And I will declare Your greatness.”

Today’s devotional then brings us a challenge and a question to consider and ponder in our hearts.
  • “What wonderful works has God done in your life?”
  • “Take a few moments to review God’s work in your life.”
  • “Remind yourself of His provision for you in your personal life, family, and work.”

“If you keep a journal, red about the victories God has given you in the past. Verbalize your praise to God. When you remember God’s goodness, isn’t it easy to praise Him?”

Be The Dads who don’t keep it to yourself but share it with others. Testify to God’s goodness and faithfulness to help build up other people’s faith too.

“Now thank we all of our God with heart and hands and voices,
Who wondrous things hath done, in whom His world rejoices,
Who from our mothers’ arms hath blessed us on our way
With countless gifts of love, and still is ours today.”


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