As Spirit-led fathers, our role in shaping the lives of our children is not merely about providing for their physical needs but also about nurturing their spiritual growth. The Bible teaches us about the importance of living by the Spirit and bearing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. In this journey of fatherhood, we are called to exemplify these virtues, not only for our own benefit but also as a powerful influence on the next generation. Let us delve into Scripture to understand what it means to walk in the Spirit and produce its fruit in our lives as fathers.
Walking in the Spirit
Galatians 5:16 (NIV) - "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."
In Galatians 5:16, Paul exhorts fathers to “walk by the Spirit,” emphasizing the necessity of aligning our lives with the guidance of the Holy Spirit rather than indulging in our fleshly desires. This scripture underscores the crucial role of spiritual discipline in fatherhood. When we surrender to the Spirit’s leading, we cultivate virtues such as self-control, patience, and love, as outlined in the subsequent verses. The key takeaway here is that by walking in the Spirit, fathers set an example for their children, demonstrating how to live a life guided by God’s principles. Practically, this involves seeking God’s direction in decision-making, resisting temptations that could harm our families, and nurturing a spirit-led approach to parenting.
Bearing the Fruit of the Spirit
Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV) - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Galatians 5:22-23 outlines the fruit of the Spirit, which encompasses essential virtues for fathers such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These qualities are not just desirable but crucial for fostering a healthy family environment. As fathers, it is our responsibility to cultivate these fruits in our lives, serving as a beacon of God’s character to our children. The key takeaway is that by manifesting these fruits, fathers create a nurturing atmosphere where children can thrive emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Practically, this involves intentionally practicing these virtues in our interactions with our families, offering love, patience, and understanding even in challenging situations.
Applications in Fatherhood
Ephesians 6:4 (NIV) - "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord."
Ephesians 6:4 provides practical guidance for fathers, urging them not to exasperate their children but to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. This scripture emphasizes the importance of intentional parenting rooted in biblical principles. As fathers, we must apply the teachings of the Bible to our parenting practices, fostering an environment where our children grow in their understanding of God’s love and truth. The key takeaway is that fathers have a unique opportunity and responsibility to shape their children’s spiritual upbringing. Practically, this involves prioritizing quality time with our families, modeling godly character through our actions, and teaching our children the Word of God through both instruction and example.
Embracing the Spirit-led Journey of Fatherhood
As fathers, let us heed the biblical call to walk in the Spirit and bear its fruit in our lives. By doing so, we not only experience personal transformation but also become powerful agents of God’s love, grace, and truth within our families. May we continuously seek God’s guidance and strength as we strive to fulfill our roles as fathers, knowing that through His Spirit, we have all we need to lead our children with wisdom, compassion, and godly character.
Today’s Devotional:
This year, I am utilizing the 365 Daily Devotions book I received for Christmas, applying its teachings specifically in the context of fatherhood. It’s called WALKING WITH GOD by DAVID JEREMIAH. It’s exciting to learn from a new resource this year as we have tried different options the past two years and will keep working through this for 2024. For more information about the author and his ministry, visit
Verse: Galatians 5:16 (NIV)
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Therefore, let’s be the dads who stick close to God and walk by the Spirit. Additionally, let’s be the dads who are more interested in living lives that please God than trying to please our fleshly desires. Moreover, let’s be the dads who choose to live our lives in ways that will bring God the praise, the honor, and the glory in Jesus’ name.
Today’s Devotional, kicks off speaking of a poem by an unknown author “Two passions beat within my chest, the one is foul, the other blessed. The one I love, the other I hate; the one I feed will dominate.” It speaks of the internal struggle between good and evil that many people experience, emphasizing the power of personal choice in deciding which nature will prevail. There are so many times when people say something or I read something and it points me back to the Bible. Ever had one of those times where someone says something and you are like, “do you know where that comes from?” because you know it is scripture?

Today’s Devotional, points us to how scripture speaks of this struggle. Consider what we find in Galatians 5:
'So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. '
-- Galatians 5:16-18
Decision time focus on the Spirit and live by faith
Today’s Devotional, speaks to our time here on earth where the devil is trying to stir things up and tempt us in order to try and get back at God. So today, let’s be the dads who are choosing to feed “the right passions, impulses, and attitudes” so that in and through our lives it will bless our wives, kids, and world while glorifying and exalting God!
Live by the Spirit and walk by faith
Let’s be the dads who choose to live by faith, keeping our eyes on Jesus and trusting Him more than we fear the world. Let’s be the dads who are focusing on Jesus’ return and our reunion with Him rather than the end times and the craziness that is going to come along with that. We should be aware of what’s going on around us as I know in my blog that every year through the Bible feels like we are getting closer and closer to Jesus’ return.
Today’s Devotional, closes with this challenge for each of us: “Keep your eyes on the Lord, feed on His faithfulness, resist the devil, and draw near to God.” It also gives us a charge “Feed your faith and starve your fears.”