Sign from Above: Rain as God’s Divine Provision and Promise

Sign from Above: Rain as God's Divine Provision and Promise

Could the rainy morning be a sign from above? This morning started with taking out the trash and going for a walk with the dogs in the rain after making tea for my son before he went off to school then I received a call from my daughter and was able to catch up on how soccer is going as school is supposed to start tomorrow. Rain comes with its benefits. Rain is a vital part of God’s creation, profoundly serving the earth and our souls. In the physical world, rain nourishes the land, allowing crops to grow, providing water for drinking, and replenishing natural resources. Spiritually, rain can symbolize God’s provision and blessing. As dads do you ever feel the need to get a sign from above to help you be the husband your wife needs or the dad your kids need? How about in life in general, do you ever want a sign from above to help you navigate what you are going through today?

Rain as a Sign from above of Divine Provision

Throughout Scripture, rain is often seen as a sign of God’s provision and care for His people. In Deuteronomy 11:14, God promises to send rain for the land in its season so that the people may gather their grain, wine, and oil, showing that it is not just a natural occurrence but a divine blessing meant to sustain life. For fathers, this reminder of God’s provision serves as powerful encouragement. Therefore, just as God sends rain to nourish the earth, He also provides what is needed to be the husbands and fathers our families rely on. Moreover, when we trust in God’s provision, we can confidently fulfill our responsibilities, knowing He will equip us with the wisdom and strength necessary to navigate life’s challenges.

Key Takeaway: God’s provision is always timely and sufficient, giving us what we need to fulfill our roles.

Practical Application: Reflect on the ways God has provided for your family in the past. Use this reflection to build trust in His continued provision, especially in moments when you feel inadequate or unsure about how to lead your family.

The Storms of Life: A Sign from Above to Seek Shelter in God

Rain isn’t always gentle; sometimes, it comes in the form of storms. The Bible often uses storms as metaphors for the trials and challenges of life. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus speaks about the wise man who built his house on the rock. When the rains came, and the winds blew, the house stood firm because it was built on a solid foundation. This passage teaches that when the storms of life hit—whether in your marriage, parenting, or personal struggles—God is calling you to seek refuge in Him. As dads, when faced with life’s inevitable storms, we must anchor ourselves in God’s Word and His promises. By doing so, we set an example for our families, showing them where true security lies.

Key Takeaway: Life’s storms are opportunities to strengthen our dependence on God and to demonstrate to our families the importance of a strong foundation in faith.

Practical Application: During challenging times, make it a priority to pray with your family, turning to Scripture for guidance. Show your children that no matter how fierce the storm, your faith in God remains unshaken.

Rainbows After Rain: A Sign from Above of God’s Covenant

After the rain, God often provides a sign of His enduring promises, like the rainbow He set in the sky after the flood. In Genesis 9:13-15, God tells Noah that the rainbow will be a sign of the covenant between Him and all living creatures, a promise that He will never again flood the earth. This covenant serves as a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness. As dads, we can look to these moments as assurances that even after the challenges—after the rain—God’s promises remain steadfast. We are reminded to be men of our word, faithful in our commitments to our wives, children, and God. Just as God’s promises are unwavering, we must strive to be consistent and dependable pillars in our families.

Key Takeaway: God’s promises are enduring and faithful, offering hope and assurance even after life’s toughest challenges.

Practical Application: Commit to uphold your promises, no matter how small, and teach your children the importance of integrity by modeling it daily. Let them see that, like the rainbow after the rain, your word can be trusted.

Today’s Devotional:

This year, I am utilizing the 365 Daily Devotions book I received for Christmas, applying its teachings specifically in the context of fatherhood. It’s called WALKING WITH GOD by DAVID JEREMIAH. It’s exciting to learn from a new resource this year as we have tried different options the past two years and will keep working through this for 2024. For more information about the author and his ministry, visit


Verse: Genesis 9:16

'Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.” '

Let’s be the dads who are keeping an eye out for the signs of the times. Today let’s choose to realize the signs from above that are made visible to us so that we can receive them and respond appropriately. Let’s be the dads who are trusting God no matter what the weather looks like today because we know that His plans are better than our plans, His ways are higher than our ways, and His plans are for our good and His glory.

What comes to mind when you see a rainbow?

Today’s devotional points us to the experience of seeing a rainbow in the sky. It details the experience of “as you look up to see the rain, clouds roll back and the sun breaks through. Suddenly a rainbow fills the sky with color.” It then asks us about our response. It reminds us of God’s covenant and how as Christians we are able to see rainbows as something greater than a light shining through a prism of rain drops in the sky, “a visual phenomenon”.

Do you see rainbows as a sign from above?

Today’s devotional calls out how rainbows are a sign from above from God. Remember what Noah went through and how it impacted the world? Remember how Noah was being the dad his wife, kids, and world needed Him to be for the glory of God? God’s promised us through His Word and with the symbol of the rainbow that “He would never again destroy the earth with a flood.” It was a promise not only for Noah and his family but also for all of us who have come after.

A Sign from Above that will never change and last forever

Today’s devotional reminds us of God’s covenant is “a bindign pact that God promises He will never break.” As dads we need to cling to and share with our wives and kids that “God’s promsies are unchanging; they are everlasting, and He is faithful to keep every covenant.” with us. Let’s be the dads who can be trustworthy to our wives in our marriages and our kids in their lives too.

We receive a challenge as today’s devotional closes. Be the dads who “stop for a moment and look up” when we see a rainbow, and “remind ourselves of the beauty of God’s mercy in our lives.” Let’s be the dads who receive and share the reality of God’s forgivness and cleansing power that removes our sins. Be the dads who thank God “for the sign of the rainbow, and for the message of mercy and faithfulness.”

“God’s promises are not mottos to hang on the wall. They are checks to take to the bank.”


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