Could forgiveness be the answer? Are you walking in freedom or struggling to get free today? Ever struggled in a situation where someone has done or said something that hurt you? Had a situation where someone has caused you pain physically, emotionally, or spiritually? How did you respond? Was your response useful or helpful to allow you to walk it out in freedom?
Forgiveness is the key to discovering freedom
Whenever the topic of freedom comes up, and I think sometimes I share the following story and video because it helps me to remember that I need to remember to use forgiveness as the tool to break out and find freedom. Watch this video where I shared with a bunch of coworkers at an event for you to watch before we move on.
This year, I am utilizing the 365 Daily Devotions book I received for Christmas, applying its teachings specifically in the context of fatherhood. It’s called WALKING WITH GOD by DAVID JEREMIAH. It’s exciting to get to learn from a new resource this year as we have tried different options the past two years and will keep working through this one for 2024. For more information about the author and his ministry, visit:
Verse: John 8:32 (NIV)
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Firstly, let’s be the dads who are seeking freedom. Moreover, let’s actively embrace our role as fathers who, when faced with challenges or uncertainties, seek liberation by turning to God’s Word as the ultimate source of truth. Therefore, let’s be the dads who remember to use forgiveness as a tool in our belt to help us break free.

Today’s Devotional kicks off by calling out what forgiveness is and isn’t so that we can know how it is a tool to release us from anger, frustration, bitterness and resentment. It shares how “when we forgive someone, we’re not minimizing the harm the person caused nor condoning the sin that was committed” but rather “we’re simply choosing to place the offense in the nail-scared hands of Jesus”.
Freedom through the miracle of forgiveness
Today’s Devotional references a book from Paul J. Meyers titled Forgiveness…the Ultimate Miracle that shares a story about abuse and pain suffered and how being a Christian and being forgiven of all our sins puts us in a spot where we have a decision to make in regard to how we will respond to all the sins against us. We might resist it but God’s Word tells us how as we forgive others God will forgive us, as we judge others the same measure will be used against us.
Freedom from the bondage of unforgiveness
Today’s Devotional continues to explain how as we dig into God’s Word and lean into Him more as Christians, forgiveness isn’t just a good idea, it’s a God idea, and it “isn’t a feeling but rather a requirement”. So just like the lady in that book, we need to turn to God and release the person into God’s loving hands to deal with while at the same time asking God to help us to free us “from the bondage of unforgiveness.”
Forgiveness will change our hearts and theirs
Today’s Devotional shares how “her attitude towards her dad changed and so did his own heart.” Our obedience to forgive can open the door for them to turn to God and receive Jesus too. We might be the only church or view of Jesus they will ever have or see but it can be the view that transforms their hearts and lives to give it up and over to God through Jesus.
Today’s Devotional closes with this reminder: “Learning to forgive others helps both the forgiven and the forgiver.”
“Forgiveness does not mean we have to allow ourselves to be mistreated…[it] does mean that we allow God to work in our lives and in the lives of the people against whom we hold bitterness.”
Paul J. Meyers