What are you allowing to be in your heart? How is it mirroring the inside out? Consider your mouth to be like the lights on the dashboard of your car so you can catch any sign that something is going wrong. Invite the Holy Spirit into your heart to help get things cleaned up and to be your helper through everyday life? We need to make sure that we don’t allow roots of bitterness, frustration, envy, greed, fear, guilt, and shame. If the lights on the dashboard show their presence, we need to do something to address them. Consider seeking support from friends and family, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and seeking professional help if necessary. Remember that it’s okay to ask for help when you need it.
Let’s consider what is said in God’s Word using bitterness as our focus:
- ‘Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God. Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. ‘ Hebrews 12:15
- ‘Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. ‘ Ephesians 4:31
Inside out: Let’s deal with the issue when we see it so that it doesn’t fester, grow, or escalate.
I found an interesting article that speaks to how things escalate if we don’t deal with them upfront. when things get inside out. Let’s choose to take care of the issue when the light first turns on so that we don’t make things worse.
Our pastor directed my husband and me to this passage as part of our premarital counseling. He described these emotions as a progression.
- If we don’t deal with bitterness, that bitterness will progress toward extreme anger (that’s wrath).
- If we don’t deal with the anger, we will start to clamor or demand what we want.
- If that doesn’t work, we will start to talk bad about the object of our bitterness in the hopes of recruiting others to agree with and justify our feelings (that’s slander).
- If that goes unchecked, we will eventually have a desire to cause harm to the person we are bitter toward.
All along the way, people are hurt, relationships are derailed, joy is stolen, and growth of the fruit of the Spirit is stunted.
4 Sure Ways to Spot a Bitter Root in Your Heart by Erin Davis
Let’s choose to only allow roots that will produce good fruit to stay in our hearts and produce the fruits of the Spirit.
Inside out – what we see when the fruits of the Spirit have taken root in our hearts.
- Love: A selfless concern for the well-being of others.
- Joy: A deep sense of happiness and contentment that transcends circumstances.
- Peace: A state of tranquility and calmness that comes from trusting in God.
- Longsuffering: Patience and endurance in the face of adversity.
- Gentleness: A kind and compassionate attitude towards others.
- Goodness: Moral excellence and uprightness.
- Faith: Trust and confidence in God’s promises.
- Meekness: Humility and gentleness towards others.
- Temperance: Self-control and moderation.

Today’s Verse of the Day:
But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you.
John 14:26 AMP
Therefore, let’s be the dads who turn to the Holy Spirit to be our helper, comforter, advocate, intercessor, counselor, strengthener, and standby. Moreover, let’s realize we don’t have to do it all in our own strength but rather can lean on the Holy Spirit to provide comfort, to advocate for us, to intercede for us, to provide us with wise counsel, to give us the strength to carry on, and to standby and be patient. Additionally, let’s be the dads who know that our Heavenly Father sent us the Holy Spirit to represent Jesus and act on His behalf to help us remember what Jesus did and tells us.
What can we do to apply today’s verse of the day into our lives and be the dads our wives and kids need us to be? How can it help us to be the dads that God created, purposes, and plans for us to become?
Applications of John 14:26 towards stepping up and stepping in to being the dads who understand what’s going on in our hearts and see the signs when they are out of kilter, and it reveals the inside out:
- Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit: Start your journey by seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit through prayer and meditation. Ask for wisdom, discernment, and the ability to understand your role as a father.
- Study the Word of God: Regularly study the Bible to gain a deeper understanding of God’s plan for fathers and the principles of parenting found within its pages.
- Reflect on Christ’s teachings: The verse mentions that the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance what Jesus has said. Reflect on the teachings of Jesus, especially those related to love, compassion, and leadership, and apply them to your role as a father.
- Listen actively: Be present and attentive when your wife and children talk to you. Listening actively helps you understand what’s going on in their hearts and minds.
- Provide emotional support: Be a source of emotional support for your family. Create an environment where your wife and kids feel safe and comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.
- Encourage open communication: Foster open communication within your family. Encourage your children to express themselves, ask questions, and share their concerns.
- Lead by example: Live a life that reflects the values and principles you want to instill in your children. Your actions speak louder than words.
- Pray for your family: Pray for your wife and children, asking for God’s guidance and protection over their lives.
- Be patient and forgiving: Understand that nobody is perfect, including yourself. Practice patience and forgiveness when your family members make mistakes.
- Continuously learn and grow: Parenting is an ongoing journey. Be open to learning and growing as a father. Seek advice, read books on parenting, and attend parenting seminars to improve your skills.
Inside Out: Let’s make sure we
By applying these principles and continually seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can become the father that God created and purposed you to be. Remember that being a great dad is a lifelong journey, and it’s okay to make mistakes along the way. What matters most is your commitment to being the best father you can be for your family.