Are you constantly seeking good news? Do you scour the internet or channel surf, hoping for positivity? Or do you engage in various activities to find satisfaction? To discover authentic content, turn to God’s Word, heed its wisdom, and act upon it!

Today’s Verse of the Day:
And He went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the good news (gospel) of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness among the people [demonstrating and revealing that He was indeed the promised Messiah].
Matthew 4:23 AMP
The real good news!
Therefore, grab onto the truth that gospel means good news! Moreover, stop searching for answers that are temporary and won’t last and decide to receive the good news of the kingdom of God that will last throughout all of eternity! Finally, get started today by inviting Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Savior so that from this day forward, you will be able to live in true freedom, receiving the wisdom and discernment you need for each day from the Holy Spirit so that in and through it all, God will receive the praise, the honor, and the glory!
How can we apply today’s verse of the day to help us be the dads God created us to be and our wives and kids need us to be? What can we grasp from it that will help us live up to this higher calling on our lives for the betterment of this world?
Applications of Matthew 4:23 towards walking out today in the power and promises of the Good News:
- Share the gospel with your children.
- Teach them about the kingdom of God.
- Be a source of healing and support.
- Demonstrate Christ’s love through your actions.
- Embrace your role as a spiritual leader.
- Prioritize family time to impart wisdom.
- Show the lasting value of faith.
- Encourage a relationship with Jesus.
- Lead by example in following Christ.
- Ensure God receives praise in your home.
By applying these principles, you can be the dad God intended, positively impacting your family and the world.