Out of practice or sorts as this morning I woke up without my alarm going off and it was only minutes later than when my alarm usually went off. I got ready, went into the bathroom and then heard someone else up and wondered who was up so early. I looked at my watch and realized I was up not just 10-15 minutes later but an hour and 10-15 minutes late. This day didn’t start as planned and yet there is a schedule where the dogs will want me to take them out, my son is going off to school and so I need to get him some tea before he leaves, my wife will be going off to work, and I have a call with a friend at 7:30 right before work gets started for me.
Get back on track by putting things back into practice
So, as we begin, we work to get caught up and in alignment with everything and everyone else, I was out with the dogs and realized, I got up and out of bed without my usual prayer, so as the dogs were adventuring, I prayed for my wife, my kids, my extended family and friends, and my coworkers. I realized I hadn’t even prayed over my schedule for the day as I was shocked by hearing someone up and hadn’t gotten that far in the process, so as I was walking back to the house, I opened up my calendar and prayed over it, giving God permission to adjust it as He sees fit in order that His plans, purposes, and agenda can be accomplished.
Now, it’s time to finish the rest of the day strong! It’s time to put into practice all the things God has taught me in order that at the end of the day, He will receive the praise, the honor, and the glory in Jesus’ name. How about you? Where are you at today? Are you ready for today? Taking the lessons from yesterday and not worrying about tomorrow in order to make the most of today?

Today’s Verse of the Day:
The things which you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things [in daily life], and the God [who is the source] of peace and well-being will be with you.
Philippians 4:9 AMP
Therefore, let’s be the dads who grab a hold of what we have learned, received, heard, and seen from Jesus! Moreover, let’s be the dads who aren’t just hearers of the Word but are also doers of the Word by putting into practices these things in our daily life! Finally, let’s be the dads who lean in and walk so close to God that we feel the peace and well-being He provides as our ultimate source!
So how can we apply or put into practice today’s verse of the day to help us be the dads God created and is calling us to be? What can we do to step up to the plate and be the dads our wives and kids need us to be?
Applications of Philippians 4:9 that will help us put into practice the examples of Jesus so we can be the dads:
- Meditate on God’s Word: Spend time regularly reading and meditating on the Bible to gain wisdom and guidance for your role as a father.
- Pray for Wisdom and Patience: Seek God’s guidance through prayer, asking for wisdom and patience to handle the challenges of parenthood.
- Lead by Example: Be a role model for your children by living out the values and virtues you want them to adopt.
- Teach Godly Principles: Actively teach your children about God, His love, and His commandments, helping them develop a strong faith foundation.
- Show Unconditional Love: Love your children unconditionally, just as God loves us, and demonstrate your love through your actions and words.
- Practice Forgiveness: Teach your children the importance of forgiveness by modeling it in your own relationships and addressing conflicts with grace.
- Encourage Gratitude: Foster a spirit of gratitude in your home by regularly expressing thanks to God and encouraging your children to do the same.
- Promote Peace: Strive for peace within your family, resolving conflicts with love and understanding, and creating a harmonious environment.
- Serve Others Together: Engage in acts of service and outreach as a family, demonstrating the love of Christ to others and instilling a sense of compassion in your children.
- Stay Connected to a Faith Community: Attend church services, connect with other Christian fathers, and involve your family in a faith community to strengthen your spiritual foundation.
By consistently practicing these principles, you can align your life with the teachings of Philippians 4:9 and reflect the example of Jesus in your role as a father. Remember that becoming the dad your family needs is a lifelong journey, and God’s grace and guidance are essential along the way.