From the overflow of our hearts, our mouths speak. So let’s make sure to be filled up each day with the love of God so that we can overflow in love into the lives of the people God brings our way. Let’s be the dads who choose to love our wives, kids, and the people God brings our way because He first loved us, unconditionally and to overflowing.

Today’s Verse of the Day:
We love, because He first loved us.
1 John 4:19 AMP
Wondering where to start to learn about love? Choose to be the dads who go to God’s Word to learn about true love! Looking for a source of encouragement on how to love, consider the Father’s Love Letter which says:

Need to see or hear something to help you be encouraged in God’s Word, check this out:
How can we use today’s verse of the day to be the dads who love our wives, kids, and world right? What can we do to pour out unconditional love into this world without ceasing?
Applications of 1 John 4:19 that help us live as dads who love:
- Understand the Source: Recognize that our ability to love unconditionally comes from God’s love for us. It’s essential to understand that we can only love others deeply when we have experienced God’s love ourselves.
- Model God’s Love: As fathers, our love should reflect God’s love. This means being patient, forgiving, kind, and selfless in our relationships.
- Prioritize Family: Make spending quality time with your wife and kids a priority. Show them love through your presence and engagement in their lives.
- Practice Forgiveness: Just as God forgives us, we should be quick to forgive our family members when they make mistakes or hurt us.
- Teach About God’s Love: Use opportunities to teach your family about God’s love and its importance in their lives. Share Bible verses, stories, and your personal experiences.
- Serve Selflessly: Actively look for ways to serve your family members without expecting anything in return. This reflects God’s sacrificial love.
- Extend Love to Others: Encourage your children to show love and kindness to their peers, teachers, and neighbors. Teach them to be compassionate and considerate.
- Be a Peacemaker: Promote peace and unity within your family and in the world around you. Encourage open communication and resolution of conflicts.
- Pray for Guidance: Seek God’s guidance through prayer in your role as a father. Pray for wisdom, patience, and the ability to love unconditionally.
- Give Grace: Understand that we all have flaws and make mistakes. Extend grace to your family members and help them grow through love and support.
Incorporating these applications of 1 John 4:19 into your life as a dad can help you cultivate a loving, godly environment in your home and extend that love into the world. Remember that loving unconditionally is a lifelong journey, and relying on God’s love as your foundation will empower you to be a dad who loves deeply and consistently.