It’s time to get your head in the game today! As we look at the day ahead what is your focus on? Is your mind focusing on the right things? Are you conforming to the ways or patterns of the world and being drawn in the wrong direction? Are you choosing to be a role model based on how God has instructed and shown you to live? Today, let’s decide to model rather than conform!
Consider what is in the news. Reflect on the difference between how the world tells us to live and how God calls us to live. Now, choose the path you will move forward on to provide you with the best outcomes. Make the choice that will help you to have the opportunity to live life to the fullest. Is your head in the game?

Today’s Verse of the Day:
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
Romans 12:2 AMP
Get your head in the game by focusing on God’s instruction
Therefore, let’s choose to not be conformed to this world any longer with superficial values and customs. Instead, let’s be the dads who choose to get our heads in the game by transforming and progressively changing how we think and mature spiritually by renewing of our minds and focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes. In so doing, we can prove for ourselves what the will of God is for our lives and the lives of those we love which is good and acceptable and perfect in His plan and purpose for us.
So how can we apply today’s verse of the day towards being and becoming the dads who love our wives and kids like we should? What can we learn and apply through meditating on God’s Word so that our minds are focusing on the right things?
Applications of Romans 12:2 that help us get our heads in the game so that we can be the husbands, dads, and people God created and purposes for us to be:
- Pray and ask God to help us renew our mind daily, so that we can see things from His perspective and not be influenced by the world’s values and standards1.
- Read and meditate on God’s Word, which is the source of truth and wisdom, and let it shape our thoughts and actions1.
- Listen to and learn from godly mentors, pastors, teachers, and friends who can encourage us, challenge us, and hold us accountable in our walk with God1.
- Avoid or limit our exposure to things that can pollute our mind, such as sinful media, negative influences, or worldly temptations1.
- Seek God’s will in every decision we make, big or small, and trust Him to guide us and provide for us1.
- Obey God’s commands and follow His principles, even when they are hard or unpopular, knowing that they are for our good and His glory1.
- Serve God and others with our gifts and talents, and use them to bless and edify the body of Christ1.
- Love our wives as Christ loved the church, and be faithful, respectful, supportive, and sacrificial in our relationship with them1.
- Lead our children in the way of the Lord, and teach them, train them, discipline them, and model for them what it means to be a follower of Christ1.
- Worship God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and give Him thanks and praise for all that He has done for us1.
So are you ready to get your head in the game and step up and be the dads God created you to be, your wife needs you to be and your kids want you to be?