As I start this morning and reflect upon so many dads I have been seeing and hearing from and the ways they have been losing their ways and their families, it breaks my heart. Heartbroken dads who are at risk of losing their wives and their kids and wondering what they can do. How can they find a way to make things better in order to step up and stand up and be the dads God created, purposed, and planned for them to be?
Heartbroken? Draw closer to God!
It is always best to draw closer to God and He will draw closer to you. In a perfect world, the other party is similarly looking for strength and direction and is similarly drawing closer to God. In the midst of everything, as they draw closer to God, God is able to touch lives and transform situations.
Heartbroken for dads who are separated from their wives or struggling. I feel heartbroken for dads who are separated or at odds with their kids. Praying that God will help them turn back to Him and become the dads He created them to be. I pray that God will transform the unforgiveness, bitterness, and anger into forgiveness, love, and joy.

Today’s Verse of the Day:
The LORD is near to the heartbroken And He saves those who are crushed in spirit (contrite in heart, truly sorry for their sin).
Psalms 34:18 AMP
Heartbroken words of encouragement:
Therefore, let’s be the dads who push and encourage one another to draw closer to God, especially when we are feeling heartbroken. Moreover, let’s be the dads who put our hope and trust in God because we know that He is close to the brokenhearted and He saves those who are crushed in spirit. Finally, let’s be the dads who trust in God because we know that He saves those with contrite hearts and are truly sorry for their sins.
How can we apply today’s verse of the day towards being the dads God wants us to be? What can it mean to us, to other dads, and to all the impacted families around us?
Applications of Psalms 34:18 on dads who are heartbroken that can help make their marriages and families and world a better place:
- Remember that God loves you and cares for you. He knows your pain and your needs, and he is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:51).
- Pray to God and pour out your heart to him. He is listening and he wants to hear from you. He is a compassionate and faithful God who can heal your wounds and restore your joy (Psalm 147:32).
- Read God’s word and meditate on his promises. His word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:1053). It can comfort you, guide you, correct you, and strengthen you (2 Timothy 3:16-174).
- Seek godly counsel and support from other Christians. You are not alone in your struggles. There are other dads who have gone through similar situations and can offer you wisdom, encouragement, and accountability (Proverbs 11:145; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12).
- Confess your sins and repent of any wrongdoing. Sometimes our brokenness is a result of our own mistakes or disobedience. If that is the case, we need to humble ourselves before God and ask for his forgiveness. He is gracious and merciful, and he will cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).
- Forgive those who have hurt you or wronged you. Holding on to bitterness, anger, or resentment can only make your heart more broken. God has forgiven you of your sins, so you should also forgive others as he has forgiven you (Ephesians 4:32; Colossians 3:13).
- Reconcile with your spouse and children if there is any conflict or estrangement. Your family is a gift from God, and he wants you to love them and lead them well. Don’t let the enemy destroy your relationships with them. Seek peace and harmony with them, and work together to overcome any challenges (Ephesians 5:25-33; Ephesians 6:4).
- Serve others in need and share the gospel with them. One of the best ways to heal your own heart is to help others who are hurting or lost. God has given you a purpose and a mission, and he wants you to use your gifts and talents for his glory. You can make a difference in someone’s life by showing them God’s love and telling them about his salvation (Matthew 28:19-20; Galatians 6:10).
- Praise God and thank him for his goodness and faithfulness. Even in the midst of your trials, you can still find reasons to rejoice in the Lord. He has done great things for you, and he will continue to do so. He is worthy of all your worship and gratitude (Psalm 34:1-3; Philippians 4:4).
- Trust God and his plans for your life. You may not understand the reason for your struggles, but trust God’s plan. He works all things together for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but will provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13). He will also give you the grace and strength you need to face each day (2 Corinthians 12:9).
Remember that God is near to you, and he will save you from your troubles. May he bless you and your family with his peace and joy.