If obstacles appeared before you today, how will you see them? When obstacles appear today, will you consider them from various perspectives? Will you praise God and give them up to Him to help you to know if you are facing a problem or an opportunity? Obstacles: Do you see them as problems or opportunities?
Priorities vs Obstacles
God is our top priority
As dads, we need to keep our priorities straight to help ensure we are looking at the obstacles from the right perspective! With God as our top priority, when obstacles come we can bring them to Him rejoicing, being gracious, unselfish, merciful, tolerant, and patient by prayer and petition with thanksgiving and making our request known to Him!
Wives as second priority
Therefore, our wives are next in line and as such when obstacles come our way, we need to be considering them and even come together with them to discuss the obstacles and then attack the obstacles instead of one another to transform what could have been a huge problem into an incredible opportunity!
Kids as the third priority
Similarly, with our kids as our next priority before anything else in this world, when obstacles materialize, we need to be living examples by doing what God’s Word says and choosing not to provoke, irritate, or exasperate our children with demands that are trivial or unreasonable or humiliating or abusive nor by favoritism or indifference we need to choose to treat them tenderly with lovingkindness so they will not lose heart and become discouraged or unmotivated with broken spirits.
How to handle other obstacles (fourth priority and more)
Is the obstacle coming or impacting something else? Firstly, bring it to God! Secondly, discuss it with your wife! Share with your kids and ask for their prayers and support.

Today’s Verse of the Day:
But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively and continually obeying God’s precepts], and not merely listeners [who hear the word but fail to internalize its meaning], deluding yourselves [by unsound reasoning contrary to the truth].
James 1:22 AMP
As fathers, it is not enough to simply read God’s Word, we must put it into action. We must actively obey and follow God’s commands, and strive to understand their deeper meanings. It is crucial that we prioritize truth and reject any faulty thinking that may lead us astray. Let us aspire to be dads who wholeheartedly live out God’s teachings each and every day.
So how can we apply today’s verse of the day when obstacles come our way so that we don’t get drawn into the problem and cause more problems but instead look for the opportunities to do what God’s Word tells us to do for the glory of God and the goodness of our wives and kids?
Applications of James 1:22 towards dealing with obstacles that come our way in life:
- Prayer and Seeking Wisdom: Instead of panicking or being overwhelmed by obstacles, seek God’s guidance and wisdom through prayer and meditation on His Word.
- Patience and Self-Control: Avoid reacting impulsively or emotionally to obstacles. Practice patience and self-control before taking any actions.
- Trust in God’s Promises: Remind yourself of God’s promises and faithfulness in the past. Trust that He will see you through the current obstacles as well.
- Active Faith: Demonstrate your faith through action. Step out in faith, trusting that God will empower you to overcome the obstacles.
- Humility and Teachability: Be open to learning from God’s Word and the experiences of others. Humble yourself to accept advice or correction.
- Love and Compassion: Show love and compassion to those around you, including your family, while navigating the obstacles. Be a source of support for them.
- Gratitude and Contentment: Cultivate a heart of gratitude and contentment despite the challenges. Focus on what you have rather than what you lack.
- Forgiveness: If the obstacles involve conflicts or grievances, be willing to forgive others and seek reconciliation.
- Perseverance and Endurance: Stay committed to doing what is right and necessary, even when the going gets tough. Persevere through the challenges.
- Staying Grounded in God’s Word: Continually study and meditate on God’s Word to ensure that your decisions and actions align with His teachings.
By actively applying James 1:22 in dealing with obstacles, you can overcome challenges with a God-centered perspective, making decisions that bring honor to Him and promote the well-being of your family. Remember that it’s not about avoiding problems altogether, but about navigating them in a way that allows you to grow in faith and be a positive influence on those around you.