How will you be intentional about the way you are choosing to live your life? What about your decisions and actions help you get molded to be more like Jesus? Will you choose to be intentional in the way you present your authentic self to the world around you?
Not accidental but intentional:
Firstly, how can you confidently fulfill the purpose for which God created, planned, and intended you to be? Secondly, how will you intentionally become the husband that your wife requires? Finally, how will you confidently become the father that your children need?
Intentional and Authentic
Do you prioritize God, your spouse, and your children, modeling authenticity and intentionality to your family and the world, in order to receive divine assistance in all other areas of life?
Molding daily as clay in God’s hands
Let’s be intentional fathers and mold our authentic selves into the lives of our loved ones. Let’s work on improving our personalities to bring praise, honor, and glory to God through intentional love and living for our families and the world.

Today’s Verse of the Day:
Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship.
Romans 12:1 AMP
Let us live by God’s mercies and offer our bodies as holy sacrifices, pleasing to Him. As fathers, let us worship Him through our actions.
How can we apply today’s verse of the day to help us be the dads who are intentional and help us to mold ourselves into the dads God created, purposed, and planned for us to be?
Applications of Romans 12:1 that will help us be the dads who are intentional and being molded as clay in the hands of God:
- Surrender: Fully yield your life and fatherhood journey to God, acknowledging His plans and purposes for you as a dad.
- Renewal: Seek daily spiritual renewal through prayer, meditation, and studying God’s Word to align your mindset with His will.
- Sacrifice: Embrace the sacrificial nature of fatherhood, willingly giving your time, energy, and resources for the well-being of your children.
- Service: Serve your children with love and humility, placing their needs above your own and actively seeking opportunities to bless and support them.
- Modeling: Be a positive role model for your children, embodying the values and virtues you desire them to emulate.
- Discernment: Seek wisdom and discernment from God to make sound decisions and guide your children’s lives with love and understanding.
- Patience: Cultivate patience in your interactions with your children, allowing them room to grow, learn, and make mistakes along the way.
- Encouragement: Offer consistent encouragement and affirmation to your children, building their confidence and nurturing their unique talents and abilities.
- Discipline: Apply discipline with love and consistency, setting appropriate boundaries and teaching your children important values and life lessons.
- Authenticity: Be genuine and authentic in your relationship with your children, fostering open communication, trust, and a safe space for them to express themselves.