Just as Jesus told His disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit, let’s be the dads who have chosen to wait upon the Lord and receive the Holy Spirit! Let’s be the dads who are working in the power of the Holy Spirit! To be the dads God created, purposed, and plans for us to be requires that we live by the Holy spirit so we can be His love and light to our wives, kids, and world.
Today’s Verse of the Day:
But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8 AMP
Firstly, let’s be the dads who are operating in the power and ability provided by the Holy Spirit. Secondly, let’s be the dads who are witnesses to our wives, kids, and world of who Jesus is and what He has done in our lives! Finally, let’s be the dads who get started within our homes and then our neighborhood, and then our world!
So, how can we do this? What can we do to apply today’s verse of the day into being the dads God is calling us to be?
Applications of receiving the Holy Spirit based on today’s verse of the day:
- Witnessing to their family: Dads can share their faith and the Gospel with their children, demonstrating the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in their own lives.
- Leading family devotions: By incorporating the study of Scripture and prayer into family routines, fathers can encourage their children to develop a personal relationship with God.
- Supporting missions: Dads can actively participate in missions work, both locally and globally, by providing financial support, praying for missionaries, and even engaging in short-term mission trips with their families.
- Mentoring other fathers: Utilizing their experience and knowledge, dads can mentor and disciple other fathers in their communities, helping them grow in their faith and become effective spiritual leaders in their own families.
- Practicing evangelism: Fathers can actively engage in sharing their faith with others outside their immediate family, demonstrating the love of Christ and inviting others to experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
- Modeling servant leadership: By imitating Jesus’ example of servanthood, dads can lead their families with humility, grace, and selflessness, prioritizing the needs of others above their own.
- Cultivating spiritual gifts: Encouraging fathers to discover and develop their spiritual gifts, they can use these abilities to edify their families, serve their communities, and contribute to the growth of the Church.
- Prioritizing prayer: Dads can establish a consistent and fervent prayer life, seeking guidance, wisdom, and empowerment from the Holy Spirit in all aspects of their lives, including their role as fathers.
- Embodying the fruit of the Spirit: Fathers can exhibit the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control—in their interactions with their families, displaying the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within them.
- Creating a nurturing environment: Dads can foster an atmosphere in their homes where the Holy Spirit’s presence is evident, providing opportunities for spiritual growth, encouraging open communication, and demonstrating God’s unconditional love and grace.