Firstly, let’s be the dads who know where our help comes from. Therefore, let’s be the dads who choose to stay with Jesus and allow Him to be our source and remain connected to Him. Choose to abide in Jesus!
Today’s Verse of the Day:
Remain in Me, and I [will remain] in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself without remaining in the vine, neither can you [bear fruit, producing evidence of your faith] unless you remain in Me.
John 15:4 AMP
First, abide, remain in Jesus, and then He will remain in you. Second, abide, just as the branches bear fruit because they stay connected to the vine, let’s remain connected to Jesus! Finally, abide, so that by remaining connected to Jesus, we get filled and His Spirit flows through us in order to produce the fruit of the Spirit that is evidence of our faith!

Therefore, let’s reflect on today’s verse of the day and how we can apply this as dads to our lives.
Abide in Jesus in order to produce spiritual fruit:
- Make time for daily prayer and Bible study to remain connected to God.
- Attend church regularly and participate in fellowship with other believers.
- Set aside time for family devotionals and prayer with your children.
- Model Christ-like behavior in your interactions with your spouse and children.
- Teach your children to love and serve others by volunteering as a family.
- Encourage your children to memorize Scripture and discuss its meaning together.
- Choose family-friendly media that reinforce Christian values.
- Practice forgiveness and show grace to your children and spouse.
- Speak kind and encouraging words to your family members.
- Display patience and self-control under challenging situations.