As a dad, are you generous with your wife? Do your kids see and consider you to be generous? If someone was to ask about your generosity, what would they learn your motivation is? Would it be from an overflow of love?

Firstly, consider what the Psalms have to say about the generosity of God:
‘Your lovingkindness and graciousness, O Lord , extend to the skies, Your faithfulness [reaches] to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the mountains of God, Your judgments are like the great deep. O Lord , You preserve man and beast. How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! The children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; And You allow them to drink from the river of Your delights. For with You is the fountain of life [the fountain of life-giving water]; In Your light we see light. ‘
Psalms 36:5-9
Secondly, consider what Proverbs says about the benefits of generosity:
‘He who is generous will be blessed, For he gives some of his food to the poor. ‘
Proverbs 22:9
Thirdly, generosity is evidence of God’s love in us:
‘But whoever has the world’s goods (adequate resources), and sees his brother in need, but has no compassion for him, how does the love of God live in him? ‘
1 John 3:17
‘Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over [with no space left for more]. For with the standard of measurement you use [when you do good to others], it will be measured to you in return.” ‘
Luke 6:38
Finally, Today’s Verse of the Day:
“For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16 AMP
Firstly, let’s choose to be the dads who love and dearly prize our wives and kids. Secondly, let’s allow this love and generosity to flow into the lives of our wives and kids. Finally, let’s point our wives and kids to Jesus so they too can be in a relationship with Him and will spend eternity with God.
What are some ways to apply today’s verse of the day?
- Love your children unconditionally: Just as God loved the world unconditionally, dads should love their children in the same way. This means accepting and supporting them, even when they make mistakes.
- Be present: God gave His Son to be present with us, so dads should also strive to be present in their children’s lives. Spend quality time with your children and show interest in their interests.
- Provide for your family: God gave His Son as a sacrifice to provide for us, so dads should also provide for their families. This means working hard to meet their needs and ensure their well-being.
- Teach your children about God: Just as God wants us to believe in Him, dads should teach their children about God and instill in them a love for Him.
- Forgive others: God forgave us through His Son’s sacrifice, so dads should also forgive others, especially their children when they make mistakes.
- Show compassion: God showed compassion to us by sending His Son, so dads should also show compassion to their children and others in need.
- Serve others: God gave His Son to serve us, so dads should also serve others and instill in their children a heart for service.
- Be patient: God is patient with us, so dads should also be patient with their children as they grow and learn.
- Show gratitude: God’s love for us should inspire us to be grateful, and dads should model gratitude for their children by expressing thankfulness for what they have and showing appreciation for others.
- Love others: God’s love for us should inspire us to love others, and dads should model this by showing love to their children, their spouse, and others in their community.