Consider the source! What is the basis of a spirit of timidity, cowardice, and fear? Are you feeling fearful? Are you feeling timid or apprehensive? Are you feeling weak or faint-hearted? Ever considered the source? It’s not from God!
Lean into God, trusting Him rather than your own understanding! Trust God and acknowledge Him so He can show you the path to take! God has given you a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline! So let’s be the dads who choose to walk in that!
God’s Word:
‘For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]. ‘
2 Timothy 1:7
Let’s be the dads who reject a spirit of timidity because we know it’s not from God! Let’s be the dads who refuse a spirit of cowardice because we know it’s not from God! Let’s be the dads who reject a spirit of fear because we know it’s not from God! Let’s be the dads who aren’t shy with the gifts of God! Let’s be the dads who choose to receive and live in the power of the Spirit of God! Let’s be the dads who choose to receive and live out our lives in and by love from the Spirit of God! Let’s be the dads who choose to live lives with sound judgment from the Holy Spirit for the glory of God! Let’s be the dads who choose to live our lives with personal discipline, calm, cool, and collected with well-balanced minds and self-control!
So let’s dig in a bit deeper into today’s scripture to see what else we can grab and use in our lives so that we can be the dads! To do that we need to dig into the context and take hold of it!
I found an article to help us dig in! Let’s remember how this was a letter from Paul to Timothy! Let’s realize the gift God has given us to do and be the dads! Let’s be the dads who realize God has put a calling on each of our lives to be the dads our wives, kids, and world need us to be! Let’s be the dads who lean in on God, trusting Him and in constant prayer! Let’s be the dads who choose to live out the faith we have in God to the full! Let’s be the dads who trust God to help us in developing and building our relationship with Him!
To do this, we need to stay positive and believe in God no matter what happens! We need to be cultivating a spirit of power and confidence that comes from God! We need to pursue God’s calling on our lives to be the dads so that we can feel strong and in control! We need to be cultivating a spirit of love! We need to be putting love into action, demonstrating it to our wives, our kids, and our world as we live out being the dads God created and purposed for us to be! We need to be willing to forgive rejecting those feelings of envy and jealousy! We need to live at peace with others as much as it depends on us, because we can be the dads who control the way we respond! We need to be cultivating self-control which will helps us stay focused and motivated, and to resist temptation!