To be the dads God created and purposed for us to be, we need to learn from Him how to lead and guide! God’s Word is full of instruction on how He leads as our Heavenly Father as well as how leaders are supposed to lead in this world! God’s Word even speaks to how we have the Holy Spirit today so that we don’t need to go it alone but rather how the Holy Spirit will be our comforter and guide and leading us into all righteousness!
Today’s Verse of the Day tells us:
‘Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will take hold of me. ‘
Psalms 139:10
Doing some searching and studying, it is interesting to see what we can learn and how we can apply God’s Word to help us be the dads God created and purposed for us to be.
Consider this:
- Guidance and Support: “As a father, you can see yourself as a guide and support for your children, helping to lead them and hold them up through the ups and downs of life.”
- Modeling Faith: “By relying on the guidance and support of God in your own life, you can model a strong faith for your children and show them the importance of relying on a higher power.”
- Trusting in God’s Plan: “The verse can serve as a reminder that God has a plan for your children’s lives, and that you can trust in that plan even when things are difficult.”
- Encouragement: “You can use this verse as a source of encouragement for your children, reminding them that God is always with them and will hold them up.”
- Understanding the value of each child: “The verse can serve as a reminder that each of your children is unique and valuable, and that God has a specific plan and purpose for their lives.”
- Offering comfort: “You can use this verse to offer comfort to your children when they are facing challenges or difficulties, reminding them that God is always with them and will hold them up.”
- Promoting independence: “By guiding and supporting your children, you can help them develop the independence and confidence they need to navigate life on their own.”
- Encouraging resilience: “By relying on the guidance and support of God, you can help your children develop resilience in the face of adversity.”
- Fostering spiritual growth: “As a father, you can play a key role in helping your children grow in their faith, relying on God’s guidance and support as they navigate the ups and downs of life.”
- Building strong relationships: “By leading and guiding your children, you can help build strong, healthy relationships with them, based on trust, support, and mutual respect.”
- Providing stability: “By being a source of guidance and support, you can provide a stable foundation for your children, helping them to feel secure and loved, even in uncertain times.”
So let’s be the dads who turn to God’s Word! Let’s be the dads who lean on it for wisdom and guidance! Let’s be the dads who trust it for discernment and direction! Let’s be the dads who take the lessons and put them into practice! Let’s be the dads who build our lives on the foundation who is Jesus!
So are you ready to be the dads who learn how to lead and guide from the best? Do you realize the importance it brings to your wife and kids? Let’s reflect on God’s Word daily and see how we can apply it in our marriages, families, and world! Today, let’s grab a hold of the message and what God’s Word tells us in today’s verse of the day!