We need to love God first because He loved us first! We need to love our wives because God is love and people will know we are in love with God! We need to love our kids because God is love and people will know we are in love with God! We need to keep ourselves in love with God by making time, taking time, and spending time with Him and in His Word! We need to remember all that He has done for us to help us keep ourselves in love with Him! We need to turn to Him no matter what we are facing because we know that He loves us and wants the best for us and so let’s turn to Him to ensure that we remain in love with Him!
Today’s Verse of the Day comes from Jude and before we jump into it let’s get the full context of what is being said:
‘But as for you, beloved, remember the [prophetic] words spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They used to say to you, “In the last days there will be scoffers, following after their own ungodly passions.” These are the ones who are [agitators] causing divisions—worldly-minded [secular, unspiritual, carnal, merely sensual—unsaved], devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, build yourselves up on [the foundation of] your most holy faith [continually progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], pray in the Holy Spirit, and keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ [which will bring you] to eternal life. And have mercy on some, who are doubting; save others, snatching them out of the fire; and on some have mercy but with fear, loathing even the clothing spotted and polluted by their shameless immoral freedom. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling or falling into sin, and to present you unblemished [blameless and faultless] in the presence of His glory with triumphant joy and unspeakable delight, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, before all time and now and forever. Amen.’
Jude 1:17-25
Today’s Verse of the Day:
‘But you, beloved, build yourselves up on [the foundation of] your most holy faith [continually progress, rise like an edifice higher and higher], pray in the Holy Spirit, and keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ [which will bring you] to eternal life. ‘
Jude 1:20-21
Let’s be the dads who build ourselves up on the foundation of our faith in Jesus! Let’s be the dads who don’t allow our faith to die or fade but instead build ourselves up on our faith that continually progresses! Let’s be the dads who don’t allow our faith to die or fade but instead build ourselves up on our faith that rises like an edifice higher and higher! Let’s be the dads who don’t allow our faith to die or fade but instead build ourselves up on our faith by praying in the Holy Spirit! Let’s be the dads who don’t allow our faith to die or fade but instead build ourselves up on our faith by keeping ourselves in the love of God! Let’s be the dads who don’t allow our faith to die or fade but instead build ourselves up on our faith by waiting anxiously and looking forward to the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ which will bring us to eternal life!