Catching up on reading social media posts and seeing so much evil? Stuck watching the news and seeing too much evil? Reading information and seeing evil popping up everywhere? Ever considered what you can do about it? Ever asked yourself how you can make a difference? Try this, do good!
Firstly, we see in the news:

however, there is good being done by people like Convoy of Hope:
Verse of the Day:
‘Do not be overcome and conquered by evil, but overcome evil with good.’
Romans 12:21
Were you reading social media and as a result, getting angry with all the evil you are seeing? Consider how you can respond with good that will overcome evil. Despite the evil you watch on the news consider how you can go out into the world and do good to others that will counteract the evil. Reading the news and seeing evil popping up everywhere? Evidence finds that people are looking for hope and good news, so consider how you can find and write about good taking place to counteract corruption and the downer all the negative news produces.
Let’s be overcomers of evil by doing good! Let’s be conquerors of evil by doing good!
How about you dads? Ready to conquer and overcome evil?
Let’s be dads who build our lives upon God’s Word in the Bible! Furthermore, grab hold of what today’s verse of the day has to say and put it into practice! Similarly, grab a single verse daily that you and apply in your lives! Indeed, let’s be the dads who go from being hearers of the Word to being doers of the Word!
Let’s be the doers of the Word and overcome evil by doing good!
- “Choose to respond to difficult situations with kindness and compassion, instead of reacting in anger or frustration.”
- “Model forgiveness, even when it’s hard, and teach your children to do the same.”
- “Practice empathy, seeking to understand the perspectives of others and respond with empathy and understanding.”
- “Seek to resolve conflicts peacefully, rather than resorting to aggressive or violent responses.”
- “Stand up for what is right and just, even in the face of opposition or criticism.”
- “Be generous with your time, resources, and talents, seeking to bless others and meet their needs.”
- “Foster an atmosphere of respect and kindness in your home, treating each family member with dignity and love.”
- “Encourage your children to do good and to make a positive difference in the world.”
- “Speak truthfully and with integrity, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable.”
- “Trust in God’s goodness and sovereignty, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, and seek to honor Him in all things.”