As we start today I reflect on the beginning of something that transformed a place, a culture, and even the perspective of people. It is the words Happy Today! It’s always right no matter where you are in the world. It’s always right no matter when it is! It all comes down to making a decision, will you let today be your Happy Today?
Yesterday is gone and there is no point worrying about or living in it or stewing over it.
Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed and there is no point worrying about it or fearing it.
So we have a choice, how will we choose to live today?
Let’s be the dads who grab a hold of the reality that ‘This [day in which God has saved me] is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it. ‘ Psalms 118:24
Let’s be the dads who grab a hold of this truth and decide to follow Jesus and let today be Happy Today!
I even had assumptions around Happy Today that I would share with people and the bar wasn’t too high.
- Assumption #1: No matter what happens
- Assumption #2: You are alive.

Today’s Verse of the Day:
‘And not only this, but [with joy] let us exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships, knowing that hardship (distress, pressure, trouble) produces patient endurance; and endurance, proven character (spiritual maturity); and proven character, hope and confident assurance [of eternal salvation]. Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. ‘
Romans 5:3-5
Let’s be the dads who choose to live with joy who exult in our sufferings and rejoice in our hardships! Let’s be the dads who know that hardship, distress, pressure, and trouble produce patient endurance! Let’s be the dads who know that endurance produces proven character and spiritual maturity! Let’s be the dads who know that proven character produces hope and confident assurance of eternal salvation! Let’s be the dads who are living with hope in God’s promises and that they will never disappoint us! Let’s be the dads who are living with hope in God’s promises because we know that God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us!