Ever needed to get a background check in order to be able to serve at something? Ever wondered if it would show anything? Ever wondered if any flags would go off that you would have to explain?
So, what if it weren’t an external search but instead had the ability to search the content of your heart and mind? What if they were able to search and know your thoughts and intentions? How would that change anything?
David wanted God to give him a higher-level background check:
King David was willing to ask God to search him thoroughly. David asked God to search his heart and mind to see what He could find and then to help him deal with the findings.
Today’s Verse of the Day:
‘Search me [thoroughly], O God, and know my heart; Test me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.’
Psalms 139:23-24
David requested a thorough search. David desired to be tested. David asked to get the results of the analysis. David wanted God to help him to turn his life around based on the findings of the fact-finding mission.
How about you as a dad? Are you ready, willing, and able to:
- Ask God to search you and know your heart.
- Test you and discover what makes you anxious.
- Ask God to report back His findings
- Ask God to help you with any wicked or hurtful discoveries in order to turn your life around so that you can walk out the rest of your life in alignment with His will
Let’s be doers of the word and put today’s scripture into practice
Let’s be the dads who pause and meditate on today’s verse of the day and consider how we as dads can put this verse into practice. Let’s be the dads who:
- Pray and ask God to search your heart: “Begin by asking God to help you examine your heart, thoughts, and actions. Pray for wisdom and guidance as you seek to live a life that honors Him.”
- Be open and honest with your family: “Talk openly with your family about your struggles, doubts, and fears. Share your journey with them, and be transparent about your weaknesses.”
- Seek accountability: “Find a trusted friend or mentor who can hold you accountable and help you stay on track. Share your struggles and progress with them regularly.”
- Cultivate a habit of self-reflection: “Take time each day to reflect on your actions, thoughts, and motives. Ask yourself if there is anything that you need to confess or change.”
- Ask for feedback: “Ask your family and friends for feedback on your behavior and attitude. Listen to their opinions and take their advice to heart.”
- Read and meditate on God’s word: “Spend time each day reading the Bible and meditating on its message. Let the wisdom and insights found in scripture guide your thoughts and actions.”
- Attend church and fellowship with other believers: “Surround yourself with a community of believers who can support and encourage you in your faith journey.”
- Practice forgiveness: “Forgive others who have wronged you, and ask for forgiveness when you have wronged others. Model forgiveness and grace to your family.”
- Practice humility: “Recognize that you are not perfect and that you need God’s help and guidance. Cultivate a spirit of humility in your daily life.”
- Live a life of service: “Look for opportunities to serve others and demonstrate God’s love to those around you. Serve your family, friends, and community with humility and compassion.”