From the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks and so we have a dashboard to tell us how full or empty our hearts are. Let’s be the dads who spend time regularly with God who is love so that we are filled to overflowing with love! Let’s be the dads who when we hear what we are saying not sounding like love turn to God to empty whatever isn’t love and replace it with love! Let’s be the dads who are so connected with God that we are overflowing with His unconditional love for others and our words reflect Him and His love into the lives of others!
Consider God’s response to Leah in Genesis 29
‘Now when the L ord saw that Leah was unloved, He made her able to bear children, but Rachel was barren. ‘
Genesis 29:31
Let’s be the dads who lean in and trust God, even when we are feeling alone! Let’s be the dads who model pursuing God to our wives and our kids! Let’s be the dads who remember that God’s love for us is unconditional, even when we don’t feel it or think we can see it!
Let’s be the dads who model God’s unconditional love! Let’s be the dads who share God’s abounding, fully present, eternal love as it overflows from what He is, has, and will do in and through our lives! Let’s be the dads who stay connected to God so that we don’t run dry of love but are filled to overflowing in order to be able to pour into the lives of our wives, kids, and world!
Let’s be the dads who lean in and stay connected to God because we know that in this world people won’t always be pouring love into the people around them like God does! Let’s be the dads who trust in God because we know that hurting people hurt people and so allow God to fill us with love so that we can overflow and pour love and healing into the lives of those God brings into our lives!
Let’s be the dads who keep our focus on God! Let’s be the dads who are choosing to live Christ-centered lives so that we don’t trapped by the devils trick of comparison of ourselves with others! Let’s be the dads who look to God to satisfy us rather than trying to find things or look to people to fill and satisfy us!
Consider these words from today’s devotional:
Wondered by the Word — The Bible in a Year
Let’s be the dads who make time and take time to reflect upon:
- Are you living in and from His sacrifice where He gets the glory?
- What does your dependency on Him look like?
Let’s pause and reflect on what God’s Word has to say:
Love is the way! – God’s story through my life from 2005 to eternity… (