As I start today and reflect on the people God has brought into my life over the years, I realize the importance of having other brothers to connect with and collaborate with! God never created us to do this thing called life on our own! God created us for relationships, first with Himself and then with others! Let’s be the dads who consider the number of times God speaks to us about what we are to do and be for one another:
Let’s be the dads who get along and look to live our lives in unity:

Let’s be the dads who love one another:

Let’s be the dads who choose to live with humility and respect for one another:

Let’s be the dads who reflect upon scriptures about One Another:

Scripture for Today’s Devotional:
‘They have seen Your [solemn] procession, O God, The procession of my God, my King, into the sanctuary [in holiness]. The singers go in front, the players of instruments last; Between them the maidens playing on tambourines. Bless God in the congregations, [give thanks, gratefully praise Him], The Lord , you who are from [Jacob] the fountain of Israel. The youngest is there, Benjamin, ruling them, The princes of Judah and their company [the southern tribes], The princes of Zebulun and the princes of Naphtali [the northern tribes]. ‘
Psalms 68:24-27
God’s Word is active and alive! God’s Word is sharp enough to cut to the core and get to the meat of the matter! So let’s never skip or gloss over God’s Word but let’s choose to start our days there!
Let’s be the dads who choose to show up and be present to worship and celebrate God! Let’s be the dads who look to make a joyful noise to the LORD: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise! Let’s be the dads who bless God, giving Him thanks and gratefully praising Him! Let’s be the dads who have decided to shine our light in the midst of the darkness! Let’s be the dads who choose to walk out this life with God and with the body of Christ (the church) not trying to go it alone but instead choosing to live our lives with one another!
Today’s devotional has been provided to us by Covenant Eyes.
Reading through today’s devotional, here are some takeaways for me: (check out the devotional on your own too to see if you pick up other nuggets, and please share your findings in the comments)
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Takeaways from Today’s Devotional:
“There’s only one superhero who actually won on his own: Jesus. The rest of us need His team.“
- Ever watched or seen superhero comics, shows, or movies?
- Ever seen the ones where there are single superheroes?
- Ever seen the ones where a group of them team up?
- Be it Marvel or DC, they have both done it!
- Do you have a preference in terms of the type of plot they have between individual and team?
- In today’s devotional the author shares or as they put it confesses their preference.
- Let’s be the dads who realize that we need to collaborate!
- Let’s be the dads who realize that the only superhero who actually won on His own is Jesus!
- Let’s be the dads who realize that “The rest of us need teams. Most specifically, we need to be on his team“!
- Let’s be the dads who realize that even though Jesus “didn’t need a team—started one and asked us to be on it“!
- Let’s be the dads who grab a hold of the reality from today’s scripture of how “a team of worshippers following their hero“!
- Let’s be the dads who choose to be worshippers of God!
- Let’s be the dads who choose to join a “worshipping community“!
- Let’s be the dads who find strength and connection when we join and become a part of a “worshipping community“!
- Let’s be the dads who don’t allow the pressures of this world and the lies of the devil to make us think that being part of a “worshipping community” “feels weak, cheesy, or maybe just weird“!
- Let’s be the dads who realize that “we were built for community“!
- Let’s be the dads who realize that “when God saves you, He doesn’t just save you individually; He saves you to be a part of His team“!
- Let’s be the dads who realize the meaning of salvation includes having “deep relationships with others who are following after Him, relationships that will help you in the fight against porn“!
- Today’s devotional closes with the following thought and points of reflection:
- “We saw in the last section that when God saves you and beats the sin in your life, He also empowers you with special gifts. These gifts are the tangible testimony of what God has done and is doing in you as his child. But when we see the way these gifts work in the Bible, it’s always in the context of the worshipping community. God doesn’t empower you to be a Lone Ranger. God never calls you to rely on your own powers to overcome the Enemy. God never calls you to rely on your own powers to beat a recurring temptation like porn.“
- Reflection:
- “1. Are you currently part of a worshipping community of believers? Are they part of your battle against porn? Do you meet with other men regularly for accountability?“
- “2. If you don’t have an ally already, deepen your involvement with the worshipping community by asking someone to keep you accountable!“
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