Wow, what a message to close out the series. It stacks on top of a message of choosing to live without regrets! It stacks on top of a message of choosing to make the most of what you have! And it’s all because of and out of love that we allow God to pour into us to overflowing so that we can pour love into the lives of our wives, our kids, and so many people He will bring our way! So let’s be the dads who are focused on and purposing to leave a legacy of love!
Today is our last day in the devotional Becoming A Godly Father and so let’s lean in and take hold of what it has to say. Let’s be the dads who take hold of what God’s Word has to say to us so that we can stand up, step up, and step into all that today will bring!
Today’s devotional shares the following description with us:
Some reflections about my journey, and rediscovery of the love of our Heavenly Father, since becoming a dad to my now 4 year old daughter, Amelie Snow. I pray it blesses you.BECOMING A GODLY FATHER
Scripture from Today’s Devotional:
‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and with all your soul and with all your strength [your entire being]. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be [written] on your heart and mind. You shall teach them diligently to your children [impressing God’s precepts on their minds and penetrating their hearts with His truths] and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up. ‘
Deuteronomy 6:5-7
‘and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul (life), and with all your mind (thought, understanding), and with all your strength.’ This is the second: ‘You shall [unselfishly] love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” ‘
Mark 12:30-31
So glad to have God’s Word available to us to turn to, focus on, and receive from! So grateful to know that God’s Word never returns void! So excited to know that no matter the crazy that is taking place, God’s Word is sharper than a double-edged sword and is able to cut to the core of the matter to help us work through it and figure it out! Receiving God’s love letter which is the Bible is so powerful too. Have you ever seen the Father’s Love Letter site, documents, and videos? I’m going to pause for a moment to add the video here before we jump into today’s scripture as it is made up of various scriptures from God’s Word that is good for us to grab a hold of today.
Let’s be the dads who get the fact that our purpose is to love God and love people! Let’s be the dads who get the fact that how we do that includes loving our wives, loving our kids, and loving the others God brings into our lives! Let’s be the dads who love the Lord your God with all our hearts and mind and with all our souls and with all our strength, our entire being! Let’s be the dads who receive these words from God’s commandments so that they shall be written on our hearts and minds! Let’s be the dads who shall teach them diligently to our children impressing God’s precepts on their minds and penetrating their hearts with His truths and shall speak of them when we sit in our house and when we walk on the road and when we lie down and when you get up! Let’s be the dads who put God first and as such choose to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, with all our souls (lives), and with all our minds (thoughts, understanding), and all our strength! Let’s be the dads who [unselfishly] love our neighbors as yourselves because we know that there are no other commandments greater than these!
Today’s devotional has been provided to us by About The Publisher (
Reading through today’s devotional, here are some takeaways for me: (check out the devotional on your own too to see if you pick up other nuggets, and please share your findings in the comments)
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Takeaways from Today’s Devotional:
“Love Legacy“
- Today’s devotional is broken out into three parts: reflection, question, and prayer.
- Let’s be the dads who realize that others are watching us and so our actions can speak louder than words!
- Let’s be the dads whose “lives speak loudly to those around us, especially the children in our home“!
- Let’s be the dads who choose to leave a legacy of love by setting the example of “loving God with everything we are, to love our neighbor, and teach our children diligently to do the same“!
- Let’s be the dads who demonstrate in the way we live to love God and love people!
- Let’s be the dads who show our wives and our kids this reality by how we live our lives in a way to model and demonstrates that we love God and love people!
- Today’s devotional closes the reflection with the following:
- Let’s be the dads who live intentionally and aim to build into the next generations for their success!
- Let’s be the dads who are looking to leave our kids with non-perishable items God has provided to us: faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13)
- Today’s devotional closes with the following question to ponder:
- Today’s devotional closes with the following prayer:
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