Popular – Day 4

Popular - Using Your Influence For The Good Of Others

As we head into day 4 of the next devotional related to dads and the one that came up is an interesting one as it is one on the topic of being popular and using that influence for the good of others. It was also interesting because even though I searched for “dad” it invites middle school students to join the devotional. I am excited to see how this devotional will play into our series of devotionals for dad and how God will choose to use it through me to help us be the dads He purposed and created and planned for us to be! Even as dads we need encouragement to recognize the influence we have. As dads, we need to also use it for the good of others! Popular is a 15-day devotional! Popular comes to us from a group name reThink Group.

Let’s check out our scriptures for today’s devotional:

‘Do to others as you would have them do to you. ‘

Luke 6:31

God’s Word is so amazing to me. God’s Word is solid as a rock, a firm foundation on which we can build our lives and trust. God’s provided us with this owner’s manual, instruction guide, and a love letter to help us navigate this thing called life. We get to choose if we will spend time reading it, understanding it, and applying it. We each get to choose freely. We all have to make the choice on our own. We all get the chance to share it and use our light to shine into this dark world and use our influence for good!

Let’s be the dads who meditate and spend time in God’s Word! Let’s be the dads who study God’s Word in order to become the best dads we can be! Let’s be the dads who study God’s Word in order to become the dads God created, called, and purposed for us to be! Let’s be the dads who choose to live our lives in a way that others can sense the presence of God by the way we treat them! Let’s be the dads who “Do to others as you would have them do to you”!

Today’s devotional has been provided by reThink Group!

Reading through today’s devotional, here are some takeaways for me:
(check out the devotional on your own too to see if you pick up other nuggets, and please share your findings in the comments)

For more information, please visit http://orangestudents.com (About The Publisher)

Takeaways from Today’s Devotional:

If we want to be treated well, then that’s the way we should treat others.

  • Let’s be the dads who realize that words have power and so choose our words wisely!
  • Let’s be the dads who realize that our behavior towards others matters and so we need to treat others right!
  • Let’s be the dads who know that “the fastest way to lose our influence with others is to treat them poorly.
  • Let’s be the dads who don’t treat “the people around us whatever influence we may haveunkindly, disrespectfully, or hurtfully because we know it will damage our relationships and influence!
  • Let’s be the dads who take advantage of having the opportunity to do good and treat others like we want to be treated!
  • Let’s be the dads who choose to treat people kindly, respectfully, lovingly, pleasantly, and with comforting behavior for their good and their benefit!
  • Let’s be the dads who want to make a difference in the lives of others!
  • Let’s be the dads who commit to following Jesus and this command He has given us to “do to others as you would have them do to you”!
  • Let’s be the dads who live by example and model the practice of doing to others as we would have them do to us!
  • Let’s be the dads who make a shift in the way we treat others to treat them better!
  • Let’s be the dads who model Jesus’ command to the world around us so that they could see it and start doing the same!
  • Let’s be the dads who model Jesus’ command towards our wives!
  • Let’s be the dads who model Jesus’ command towards our kids!
  • Let’s be the dads who model Jesus’ command towards the world around us!
  • Today’s devotional leaves us with the following challenge:

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